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> Plea to the Awake, Aware and Outraged

13 October 2006, 03:45


Friendly, but not OVERLY-friendly

"An Attempt to Uncover the Truth About September 11th,
2001 ))))DISCLAIMER: 9-11 Research does not
promote incivility, junk science, or ’no-jetliner’
claims." http://911research.wtc7.net/

OLD STALINISTS NEVER DIE, They Just Fade into The Establishment:

"’But more important than the issue of the likelihood of the steel failure, is the FACT (not conjecture) that ALL THREE buildings collapsed into their own footprint at FREEFALL SPEED (i.e. the unimpeded acceleration of gravity). That means, drop a rock off the roof, at the moment of collapse, and the roof would hit the ground at the same time as the rock. This implies, (regardless of what happened at the fire zone) that the when the top section of the building began to fall it managed to plow through 70-80 odd floors of pristine and undamaged steel — literally thousands of huge beams and concrete pads— with absolutely NO RESISTANCE (i.e.. slowing of the rate of fall) WHATSOEVER. And this sir, is physically impossible and verging on the absurd, and I (a physicist), and anyone with a shred of knowledge of engineering, physics, or just plain common sense can understand that.’

"(man, i love his CAPS, hhh)"

From: "ann archy"
To: someoftheabovenews@yahoo.com
Subject: reply to cockburn...
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 18:26:14 -0400

fiends, romans, and country-, um, persons -

below is a copy of an email i sent to counterpunch (couldn’t find alex cockburn’s direct email eddress, so had to send it to their generic one), in which i admonished him for unfair use of my admittedly angry
(private) email; which i had no intention of seeing published, nor was it composed as a refutation of nine one one skeptic debunkers...

needless to say, i doubt he will be willing to publish this less-hysterical email, which is really only a meta-analysis of his dishonest ’reporting’ and opinionating on nine one one...

i barely skimmed the surface of his illogical rants and nine one one ’anomalies’, but i don’t think cockburn is operating with an open mind at this point...

...or not, hhh

art/not art
ann/not ann


(prescript: a common trait with many authoritarian websites, you don’t appear to have an obvious method of contacting authors/editors directly; thus
this ’counterpunch’ eddressed email, when it is
intended for the eyes of alexander cockburn... no matter, given his record, he was bound to mockingly share it with others...)

alexander took his press and went home, harumph! -

been taking classes at the lanny davis school of journalism (online), have we ? ? ?
hee hee hee
ho ho ho
ha ha ha
ak ak ak

banner headline: ultra-fringe, old-school lefty castigates anonymous nu-skool armchair-anarchist for voicing rage in a Private email not written to him -although *definitely* also aimed at him, in that it
was his original condescending opinion piece which had me seeing red- when i wrote ms sumpin-ski in anger and disgust about nine one one deniers in general...

plucking an email not intended for publication -much less as an exposition of nine one one, um, let’s say ’anomalies’- to represent the koo koo kwazy k-k-k-konspiracy kooks, is both underhanded, rude, and intellectually dishonest... technically illegal, but what the hell, you’ve pre-determined those nutjobs -and they’re all around you, BOO ! ! !- can be dismissed as, like, you know, totally-tinfoil, so no
rhetorical tactic can be too harsh, outrageous, or false...

(*that* alone speaks to your blindspot in tolerance and shortcomings in judgmentalism; why *shouldn’t* i curse your hypocritical ass ? adopting rovian tactics in your self-righteous indignation ? ? ? say it ain’t so, smartaleck...)

isn’t this EXACTLY how ’real’ complicit gatekeepers of the ’real’ (ie mainstream) media operate in dismissing unapproved memes ? one would assume enlightened, progressive journalists understand how excluding,
ridiculing, and minimizing nine one one skeptics, are the SAME tactics big media use in squelching -gatekeeping, if you will, or even if you won’t- legitimate areas of citizen inquiry... now you are doing the same in an area you are apparently ill-equipped to analyze...

stop the sophistry: of *COURSE* gatekeeping exists in any media market (or organization); ask noam (maybe uncle hugo can recommend some bedtime reading for your edification)... the Important question is: is it malicious, anti-democratic, authoritarian, korporate-friendly gatekeeping; or is the gatekeeper fairer than not, more interested in social justice than not, and generally fulfilling their roles as proxy/champion/investigator and town crier for the average joe/sephina ? ? ?

as far as gatekeepers go, of *COURSE* you’re not the new york times of the left-wing journo-blogs, but you have *some* standing (maybe the ’new york post’ of west blogistan, hhh)... of *COURSE* you function
as a gatekeeper of sorts; so does senor chomsky, so does amy goodman, katie couric, jon stewart, matt sludge, etc, etc, etc... collectively, your delphi-like roles include/exclude subjects, people, publications, etc, as acceptable or not...

just as *ANY* people who served as media conduits for any media-subsector (or organization) would be the ’gatekeepers’... it’s a truism; it isn’t an epithet, it isn’t a k-k-k-konspiracy, it just *is*... whether you function as a gatekeeper in a major or minor role to benefit the korporatocracy, or you provide the vital reporting, oversight, and analysis of ’our’ (sic) gummint/korporatocracy, is what
determines whether democracy has a chance to live free or die...

you should be first in line to preach such obvious diagnosis of one symptom of media malfeasance in our society, but -a common failure- you are unable to self-diagnose...

if not treason, innumerable felonies, premediatated massacre, theft of democracy, arrogation of power, and abrogation of rights, *WHAT WILL* get your blood boiling ? ? ?

i know, if an obscure outback stream you fish is threatened, you’ll get crosseyed-angry... if a stretch of hiking trail you know -but 99.99% of us never will- is threatened, you’ll get pissed off... (maybe you’ll even write a bad word in an email you assumed was private, ya’think ? fucktard...)

but Sincere, Dedicated -EVEN IF ’wrong’- Patriotic Citizens are Highly Suspicous of the official story, have Strong Intimations/Evidence of Gummint Complicity/Foreknowledge, and you fucking play it off like, ’ho-hum, just politics, CYA, dirty twicksies, and rampant incompetency as per usual; get over it, nutjobs’... *snap*snap*snap*

what next ? a counterpunch ’expose’ on vicious letters and foul language nigras wrote to massahs ? how about ’disgusting, profane hate mail hitler
received from jews’ ? why, this is a virtual column goldmine, how about: torture victims at abu ghraib write shocking, profanity-laced letters to their torturerers ? i think you’ve found your calling...

one of the biggest disappointments is that progressives -or ANY Good Citizen- Should Be skeptical of ANY and ALL claims/actions by ANY gummint (bad actors or not)... and yet...

and yet, the superior, weally, twuly smart-set sez the whole nine one one shebang is on the up and up ! ! !
wowie zowie ! ! ! the one and onliest time in the his story of king georgie’s lie-filled reign that he has been 100% twue bwue amerikan and NOT lying... quelle chance ! ! !

from birth (presumably): chickenshit lying shirking smirking liar torturing prick

from decades before nine one one:
lying scum liar cheating drunk lying cokehead liar

campaigning for coup 2000:
lying scum faux christian cruel liar prick

executing coup 2000:
lying stealing liar bastard traitor liar cheat

nine one one 2001:
didn’t act at all suspicious, cooperated totally with the police, lead the call for numerous hard-hitting investigations, appeared voluntarily before all zillion wide-ranging investigations, and was
scrupulously detailed, honest, and forthcoming, and instituted all of the recommendations to prevent such acts... (oh, and he didn’t take advantage of nine one one politically, either, that’s another myth...)

coup 2004 (you pussies never learn, do you?):
lying stealing liar bastard cheat liar pig

afghaniraq, what geneva conventions, wiretaps, torture, lawlessness, habeus corpus:
lying bastard creepy lying war krimes traitor coward criminal liar dictator

ain’t that sumpin’, king george done lied to us about everything *BUT* nine one one, what a heckuva job, georgie ! ! ! (oh, and alex, you too, you little gatekeeper, you’re no fatekeeper, you little gatekeeper... ha ha ha ) ! ! !

the ultimate irony? senor cockburn IS lumped in
as ’beyond the pale’, as far as anyone in
the ’mainstream’ is concerned...
hee hee hee
alex/cp ARE lumped together with ALL the so-called lunatic fringe and the real lunatic fringe, too...
ho ho ho of the 1% of the public who have even heard of alex cockburn/counterpunch, 99% of them know him and his work being PRESENTED as ultra-left, radical, koo-koo-kwazy k-k-k-konspiracists, on a par with a tarred/feathered ward churchill and the others guilty
of being liberals/progressives/commies (*ptui*)...
ha ha ha *THAT’S* why you get your panties in a wad, and try to distinguish between yourself (pinnacle of scientific reasoning and thinkology you are), and those loudmouthed, foulmouthed, bigmouthed, mouthy nutjobs who hallucinate their country has been violently hijacked...
ak ak ak

(yeah, AS IF sean vanity, limpbough, oreally, (or any newsdroid) who squeal like piggies about lefties being koo-koo-kwazy k-k-k-konspiracists (justifiably or not); but they make a point to say, ’oh, but not that reasonable chap alexander cockburn, he doesn’t
fall for ANY of that k-k-k-konspiracy claptrap... he’s the smart one...’ (*snicker*)

allow me to deconstruct your current blindspot, let’s take as an example, oh, geez, just at random... hmmm, what might be a fit analogy, hmmm, i don’t know... um, uh, oh, okay, how about this one: the worldwide illegal drug trade and the intersection of state,
shadow-state, and criminal interests...

...just as a random example...

let’s say you had investigative journalists who get onto this hot, juicy story of international intrigue, spooky connections, military complicity, seemingly perverse gummint policies and actions, and criminal families of all sizes, colors, and alleigencies (sp?)... (cool, sounds like a spy thriller ! ! ! )

bear in mind, these journos had to rely on 100% k-k-k-konspiracy konnections and circumstantial evidence to present their case in regards to the shadowy nexus of domestic/foreign mil/ex-mil, spook/ex-spook, and plain gun-running, drug-dealing, death-defying crooks of various strata... (wowie zowie! exciting stuff, tell me more...)

nope, not a single confession from any of the alleged kingpins, spooks, and other major players; no airplanes of illegal drugs; no videos, no nothing along the lines of physical evidence... 100%
testimony/k-k-k-konspiracy based... *usually* coming from the mouths of known scumbag/informant/drug dealters... (hmmm, something is tickling at the back of my brainstem... hmmm)

unfortunately, such a story -even if metaphysically true- is thin on evidence, and based solely on suppositions and assumptions about circumstantial connections... total hearsay, you say... (gosh, this is sounding kind of familiar...)

now, if such reporting did exist, *AND* it was -more or less- a true account of the whole sordid bidness, would the korporate-controlled media and functionairies of ’the octopus’ (for lack...) be anxiously following up on these charges, or would they ignore, ridicule, and lie about the investigative work, and piously pass on the approved mainstream memes ? ? ? (heh, wait a minute...)

would the gummint agencies, military, etc, personnel involved be forthcoming and honest in their appraisals (if any) concerning theseserious illegal drug traffiicking charges and their activities
connected to it ? ? ? (uh, this is patently unfair...)

...or would they use their power/influence to deflect, silence, counterattack, and otherwise neutralize the horrific truths they want repressed ? ? ?
(wait, Wait, WAIT, you can’t seriously compare the two, they are completely different... and you’re a nutjob traitor...)

uh huh...

here, i quote a man ( Eric Harrington of ojai, ca) who was responding to similar nine one one deniers, and included this paragraph to make the overwhelming point about the ’collapse’ of the wtc structures:

"But more important than the issue of the likelihood of the steel failure, is the FACT (not conjecture) that ALL THREE buildings collapsed into their own footprint at FREEFALL SPEED (i.e. the unimpeded acceleration of gravity). That means, drop a rock off the roof, at the moment of collapse, and the roof would hit the ground at the same time as the rock. This implies, (regardless of what happened at the fire zone) that the when the top section of the building began to fall it managed to plow through 70-80 odd floors of pristine and undamaged steel — literally thousands of huge beams and concrete pads— with absolutely NO RESISTANCE (i.e.. slowing of the rate of
fall) WHATSOEVER. And this sir, is physically impossible and verging on the absurd, and I (a physicist), and anyone with a shred of knowledge of engineering, physics, or just plain common sense can
understand that."

(man, i love his CAPS, hhh)

that, Sir Douchebag of Freedom, fairly summarizes a salient and telling point regarding the ’collapse’ of wtc’s 1,2 & 7; just ONE of the most
obvious ’mysteries’ of nine one one... none so fucking blind, alex...

of course, while my mad rantings were fit enough to publish as somehow representative of nine one one skeptics, you didn’t deign to respond to the one psuedo point YOU -and others- make regarding how ’the
gummint’ (you know, that monolithic thingie in washingtoon) is so-o-o-o incredibly incompetent, slow, bumbling, and ineffectual... how The They (tm) could *NEVER* pull off such a sophisticated plan, blah blah blah... ? ? ?

this is plainly insane on the face of it, and DOUBLY insane when juxtaposed with the complement: a couple handful of educated-to-primitive ragheads in a cave in bumfuk *ARE* more super-competent than ANY AND ALL COMBINATIONS of the cabal’s players plucked from the gummint, military, spooks, insiders, privateers, and
black kontractors put together ? ! ? ! ? ! ...really ? ? ?


c’mon, really...

are you REALLY going to put this forth as a RATIONAL argument, much less a cogent one ? ? ?

are you REALLY going to maintain that *of course* gummint officials, complicit actors, and corrupt law enforcement will lie, cheat, steal, destroy evidence, drug-deal, murder, coverup, and otherwise prevent
harsh truths from being revealed when it comes to the illegal drug trade; but -you know, they’re just moral like this- The They (tm) wouldn’t DARE lie, cheat, steal, murder, coverup, etc to prevent harsh truths from being revealed when it comes to their -presumed-
guilt/complicity in nine one one...

they just dasn’t ! ! !

your ultra-cynical, blase attitude towards the real possibility of the most heinous traitorous acts of the history of this planet is quite maddening; even if YOU don’t see what is in front of your uncomprehending face, you should at least be able understand the
justifiable rage of those who -however wrongheaded- believe that corrupt, arrogant, illegitimate, monstrous power-mongers perpetrated the krime of the milennium...

but somehow, you have no trouble at all swallowing bizarre, unique-in-his-story, gummint-approved k-k-k-konspiracies regarding exploding steel and concrete exposed to moderate/low fire for a brief time...
wowie zowie ! ! ! how gullible can some k-k-k-konspiracy nutjobs be who believe *that* little fairy tale... hee hee hee

not to mention, a parallel universe full of unsubstantiated, undocumented, and unreal k-k-k-konspiracies (can this cockburn guy *get* any more nuttierjobbier ? ) involving mulitple building trades,
contractors, engineers, architects, etc -literally tens of thousands of people- defrauding contracts and practicing grossly unsafe construction practices... which were either completely unnoticed by all the sampling engineers, testing labs, inspectors, port authority, and state officials, or were massively counterfeited in all the extant documentation of lab tests and inspections... wowie zowie ! ! !

you’d think if Professor (Emeritus) of Statics and Strength of Materials Alexander Cockburn P.E., *really* believed it was merely ordinary mob-graft, substandard materials, shoddy workmanship, and
derelict inspections, etc, that ultimately brought down the towers (AND 7), that he’d be in front of a grand jury in new york, new york, showing them all the EVIDENCE he has for his Fucking Nutjob Theory of
Building Collapses, ’explaining’ how/why wtc 1,2 - AND unlucky 7- exploded into a neat pile on themselves...

i mean, CERTAINLY you’re concerned EVERY FUCKING SKYSCRAPER in new york, new york (and presumably, on the planet) is susceptible to, oh, you know, a model airplane flying into it (not that anyone could
imagine such a thing), or maybe just a strong wind; given how laughably weak, deteriorated, and EXPLOSIVE most of the highrise buildings must be, assuming der gut herr Professor’s Fucking Nutjob Theory of Building Collapses is weally, twuly twue... *wish*wish*wish*

yet another column phoned in, *and* a triple
dipper ? ? ? (’yeah, i called this guy i know, and he is -like- wa-a-a-y smarter than any k-k-k-konspiracy nutjobs -works for PopMech- so i got the straight skinny on that bullshit, fuckin’ idiots... took me a whole 15 minutes to dubunk those nine one one nutjobs...’)

not to mention, the ’column’ was basically written by yours truly for no remuneration (with fewer than your normal contribution’s, um, let’s say typos, hhh)...

the one upside to my postjacked email, was i got to see appropriately profane language in counterpunch, instead of the normal bloodless, chickenshit prose...

how are we going to have a revolution without cursing ? ? ?
hee hee hee
ho ho ho
ha ha ha
ak ak ak

art guerrilla
aka ann archy
