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> Lieberman’s Electoral Fate Tests Power of Wirepullers

2 November 2006, 13:37

Mr. Hughes forgets the Diebold machines, those diabolical Diebold machines that have reduced our democracy into a sham. As long as 37 states, including the most populous such as California, Texas, Florida and even Connecticut, continue to use these machines, this insane transformation of America into a totalitarian state will be complete.
These machines would do Josef Stalin proud.
"Those who vote don’t count, it is those who count the vote that count".
And when you have voting machines as hackable as these corrupt pieces of crap, the powers that be will continue to rule, and the people will be forever marginalized as the sheep they have become.

Why aren’t there more American journalists with a little more brains who understand the importance of this issue?
It seems to me that most American analysts/journalists are far more interested in the Punch and Judy show, the irrational and ridiculous conflict that the Dimocrats and the Repukables continously stage for us as their favorite illusion of ’democracy in action’ than they are at discovering root causes to our demise as a democracy? Why do so many American analysts pay so much more attention to the tabloidal, even surreal conflict between these two fake parties, who are nothing but wings of the same power structure and at the leadership level are working in collusion, than they are interested in the obvious causes of our demise, such as allowing easily hacked voting machines to replace honest paper ballots?