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More Lies from CIA Agent and 9/11 Suspect David Edger

21 January 2007, 22:38

Thank you for bring this information forth, its time people read and ask why are they getting away with the lies, cover ups, misleading the people around the world.

Its time we all start by asking questions, why are they getting away with this.

Why is a big word today, and we must all ask WHY. MORE THEN EVER, another Sept. 11 coming? More cover ups by
Boren, Tenet, Edger type people in our government. What and why are Boren, Tenet allowed to be in our college drawing down pay when they should be put on notice, they will be tried for their treason actions.

Thanks again Mike, I applaud your work and time to do your research.

We all need to support people like you who take the time to find the truth.


Now I ask all of you read the pages of facts, and demand the resignation of GWB, Cheney, Rice, then clean out the Oklahoma College of its leadership that is willing to lie and cover up their dirty deals.