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I disagree - ’Arming yourself’ at this point in the progression of Gov. control is futile

12 March 2007, 22:51

The time for personal arms is NEVER passed, the right of self defense is GOD given and needs NO MAN to grant it. However one must realize often force is not the best way to achieve the desired end, we can see this when all of the force of the Washington Crime Family can’t make the Iraqi’s grovel and lick the Jackboot of those who came for Israel/$$$/bases/ OIL! Once you drive a man down to nothing and kill his family what is left in his life that is so precious that he won’t turn himself into a human bomb and take out as many of the tormentors as possible! Did force work in Vietnam even after murdering MILLIONS of the Vietnamese??? Did the Branch Davidians give in at Waco to the attackers who STARTED the fight??? Did those at Masada lick the Jackboot of Rome??? At the Alamo??? Ruby Ridge??? All the force in the world will NEVER be able to destroy the love of Liberty of The People it will only breed resistance. The Elitists who believe their money and force and blackmail can Conquer the world and that evryone will just rollover willingly to their destruction of Democracy have never learned, while they may have their day or week or year, in the end THE PEOPLE"s WILL will ultimately prevail!!!