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Keep attacking the pillars of this delusional democracy

29 March 2007, 21:30

It becomes more and more clear to me every day the U.S. is spiraling down a path of self-destruction. I see my countrymen more and more each day at each others throats, never realizing all the while they have been set up by Elitists, like two pit bulls in a ring. Until WE ALL start understanding that those at the VERY TOP that control the money supply are at the ROOT of this current start of WW3 I see little way out of this coming Armageddon. War is basically an ECONOMIC proposal, instigated at it’s highest levels by those who instigate it for their PERSONAL enrichment, paying off lower level cronies with hush money and bribes to keep The Charade going. Until The U.S. and world can change it’s economic system and rid itself of the PARASITES of Usury,that create "money" from thin air at the Top of The Game, that syphon billions of dollars off for every poor "welfare queen" slob on the enconomic ladder that gets tossed a dollar, I see little hope for a real Golden Age. The answer is not communism. The answer is not fascism. The answer is not fake religions. The answer is not more violence. The answer is not more wars. The answer is not apathy. I think the only answer will be in understanding we all share a common desire for simple survival and until we rid ourselves of these blood sucking parasites the bloodletting will never cease.