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Spanish Judge calls for architects of Iraq invasion to be tried for war crimes

2 April 2007, 18:15

It all sounds jolly good in principle, except that in order to do that, Garzon needs a lot more than the endorsment , and the cooperationof the big and powerfull, who put the Blairs, and Bushes of this world into place, so I don’t see much of that happenning as long as the established order isn’t challanged.
It would only give international law and justice more credibility, and the world would certainly be a better place with justice for all
But we’re not there yet.
Ofcourse Bush and Blair are war criminals, and their accomplices, Barroso who got the top job in Europe for his loyal services to his Masters, and all the other illegal wars:
isn’t Clinton a war criminal? he killed so many Somalis, Lybians, and even christian Serbs, let alone his 10 years embargo on Irak responsible fro more than 500 000 related deaths, and what about the successive Israeli leaders (remenber last summer’s flatenning of Lebanon?), shouldn’t they be tried? Ronald Reagan another one with blood on his hands.....etc...etc......
Can any other juge take on all these war criminals too?