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French election heralds more battles to come

25 April 2007, 20:34

I bitterly deplore the divisions and infitings within the anti-liberal left, or left of the left as it is known. The communist party has not only created the biggest split within the anti-liberal movement which was getting from strength to strength since the "No" vote against the European constitution project in 2005 by maintaining their candidature Marie-Georges Buffet agianst the wish of millions of Anti-liberal citizens, but also dug their own grave, their abismal score shows it well.

Today, they are calling to vote for Royal (the Caviar Socialist and Blairite candidate) unconditionally to beat Sarkozy (A dangerous Ziono-Fascist in desguise),
it sounds like we have to choose between terminal cancer, and Aids, thanks to the French Communist party, and their supporters like Bellaciao france, who cesured every message criticizing the communist party, and evry one expressing a view other than theirs.

I have voted for Besencenot the highest scoring candidate of the left of the left, and I intend to vote blank next week, and I hope many people will do the same as a protest against our "Baguette republic where all the 3 fore-running candidates are sponsored by foregn secret organisations (see below,a comment over a previous article), the whole thing stinks..............


If Italy is a Spaghetti republic, especially since the supposedly centre-left (communists included) coalition came to power, life continues its course as usual no difference than when under Berlusconi, France on the other hand(the other side of the Alps) is not much different, it is a Baguette republic. Baguette means stic , it could be a bread stic, or an orchestra conductor’s stic, and that leads us to the point: The conductor being "The French-American Foundation", the sponsors of all of our most prominant candidates , Right wing, left wing and even the alternative ones. I am voting Balnk on sunday, and blank in two weeks time. The whole thing stinks.
About this French American Foundation, check out Reseau Voltaire, today’s edition, interesting article.

Un relais des États-Unis en France : la French American Foundation par Pierre Hillard*

MC.NL, A bitterly desillusioned French citizen in exile.