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Jared! Get You’re Fat Ass in Here

9 May 2007, 10:55

It’s no secret how Jared lost weight and Subway is making so much money! Their sandwitches are basically a salad on a bun.For 6 bucks at Arbys I could get about 8 inches of beef compared to their couple slices! THey let you pick all you want of the various salad shit to hide the fact there’ there is about 10 cents worth of meat. I have never seen a place so chincy on what is supposed to be the main ingredient! I dont see how anyone would go back there,it satisfies me about as much as bitting into a head of lettuce!Good way to lose weight,but who needs to go there for that price for so little? Oh well,it dosent suprise me about the coke either,it probably cost the store about 10 cents in syrup to make that drink,gee wizz, call the cops already,for what her friend drank he could have made another sandwitch.