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Bled White

7 July 2007, 19:05

How about the new world order?? North American treaty alliance (calling for a AMERO to replace the dollar and a union of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S.) is dissolving the sovereinity of the nations like the EU is dissolving sovereinity in europe. Soon all nations will pay their masters at the top of the pyramid a one world tax, police force, fascisism and have no individual rights. Its time to get rid of the Federal Reserve who starts all wars, depressions, and manipulates the rise and fall of the ecomomy causing ruin for some (the many) and great wealthe for the few. Watch MoneyMasters and Freedom to Fascism
I Stoped paying the illegal income tax and write my representatives. Ron Paul for President, lets go back to a constitutional, small government thats non-interventionist. Love for god should be supreme instead of love of money.