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Philadelphia Emergency Antiwar Convention:

29 July 2007, 00:24

i think another strong point to be addressed could be organizing an independent party hopefully led by candidates such as ron paul and mike gravel and find a candidate for each house race and all open senate seats. i think a great campaign could be had on the cheap by using a party name such as the ’purple party"a slogan such as where red and blue come back together to return americas values back. its obvious by pelosi and reid actions that democrats are salivatating at the thoughts of bush cheney totalitarian authority powers. i dont agree with every thing paul and gravel say they stand for , but at least they seem to believe in defending the original constitutional intent of americas founding fathers , also this style campaign could be done on the cheap by word of mouth and associated dressware campaign , where you give away cheap purple shirts to wear that draw attention to the fact you are a purple power partyer, they could also be worn on election day to take away the fascist engineered electronic voting machines, if 8 out of 10 voters on election day are wearing their purple shirts,its going to be pretty hard for diebold or ees to explain how the gop won 51 to 49. face it bush divided this country by playing up red and blue , what better name for a political party to return america back to old american century values where we really try to share our wealth of knowledge and diversity for everyones betterment not just the bush elitist ultra wealthy and their newage liberal idea of welfare only for the ultra nouveau rich. lets defeat both political partys who seem to cater to the same lobbyists at the expense of everyone else.