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Robert Fisk: Even I question the ’truth’ about 9/11 (video)

28 September 2007, 18:30

With all due respect, what else do we need to know of 9/11 other than it killed innocent people and those who did so and have the mind to do so again need to be stopped?

If anyone intentionally flew an airplane into your office, wouldn’t you - first and foremost - want to find the culprit and commit to ensuring it does not happen again? It’s a big world with a lot of hateful people cheering on the destruction of America. We all should be supporting, not beating down the optimistic leaders who are trying against odds to protect the world’s family.

Immigrants, including Mid East immigrants have influence in America, just as everyone else in the world does. America IS a collection of immigrants and was created on the combined influence. America’s so called power (and power’s nature is always going to be good and evil) is due solely to that combined influence, and not ANY one man or one organization.

As an American, my family comes from Italy, France, Canada, and a few other countries. I’m George Bush’s 13th cousin and probably related to you too. My children will have twice the collective background and by the time their children are born, they will have inherited a deeply enriched combination from all parts of the world. That’s the way it is for Americans. It makes no worldly sense for people in and from American’s home countries to want us destroyed for being a collective part of every part of the world. America is young. Moving forward, we all can, and should, look to an awesome peace filled future (for the sake of our children) with the kind of knowledge and experience that comes from our collective individual influences, which is what most American’s do. For any individual in any country to want to see America destroyed is to destroy a part of them selves.

Entertaining your plea for us to "wake up" for our "children’s sake" and "realize this nation is now the UNITED STATES of ISRAELWEST..........Your America is GONEEEEEEEE", I have to ask: What purpose are you attempting to provoke? What benefit could possibly come from trying to convince us to teach our children to realize that their country is gone? What purpose does it serve you?

What’s wrong with being free, brave, or mom’s apple pie? Are you free? Are you brave? Do you like apple pie? People who want to see me and my children "GONEEEEEE" scare the hell out me and I find it hard to be free knowing you want me and my country gone. I’ll be brave because what else can I do? I’ll defend my country and protect my children the best I can and I’m not going to hate anyone, including you, for wanting me to see my country gone. I saw what hate can do on 9/11. And I do like apple pie although my mom doesn’t make it. I get my apple pie from my Iraq friend’s store down the street.