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Wisdom of the Bible (part 5) - The Father Heart of God

25 January 2008, 07:01, by Amerikagulag

The bible is a collection of books written by many people over many many years of time. Most of whom never checked the writings of the others before attempting to add to them. It is myth, fiction, wishful thinking, outright lie, revisionist history and fairy tale, along with just a smattering of history.

One doesn’t need to watch videos to understand the falacy of the bible is blatant. One only needs to read it.

It is chock full of incest, murder, rape, bigotry and sexism. The god of the bible (the tribal baal Yahweh) is a hateful, vengeful, lustful, lying, forgetful and rather peculiar deity with a strange interest in the certain part of the male anatomy - that of the foreskin. It seems he has a bit of a fetish going there.

For a complete rundown of the inaccuracies and inconsistencies which a god of perfection could never be responsible for, see: "Is It God’s Word"


see also:

When two statements contradict one another, one is false. They may both be false and probably are, but one is, by necessity, false. For they cannot both be true. The bible simply fails the test of truth time after time after time.

One should also remember that if the Swede’s has written the Bible, Sweden would be the holy land and the Swede’s would be the "chosen people". The same would hold true of the Native Americans Indians.

For a more scientific view of the fallacious nature of the bible, one need only read the scholarly work, "The Bible Unearthed" which demonstrates quite loudly that many of the claimed ’historic’ occurrences of the bible never actually happened.

The parting of the Red Sea - myth

The walls of Jericho - sorry there were none

The wandering in the desert - didn’t happen

The exodus - Egypt never recorded any such expulsion. They were meticulous record-keepers.

The Book of the Law - written by King Josiah in 750BC, not by Moses

For a summary of this groundbreaking expose by Israel’s leading archaeologists Finkelstein and Silberman, see:




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