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The World’s Rubbish Dump : A Garbage Tip That Stretches From Hawaii to Japan

4 March 2008, 01:15, by Badweatherrr


I’m an American and I hate the fact that America has led the world to the brink of destruction.

I think that America owes more than an apology to the world.

But I still think that we have great potential.

America must become humble. I think that Day is coming.

Barack Obama will lead us out of this mess i hope. Certainly Hillary won’t.

We won’t get anywhere talking about the destruction of the great satan ether. Lets just put our differences aside and work for the future of our children. ALL CHILDREN, EVERYWHERE!

National boundries exist only in our minds. They’re not real.

Human compassion only stops at our borders because our leaders use the politics of fear and hate to get re-elected time and time again. Please don’t buy into it. It’s so ugly.

There are many good people in every nation on earth working towards a better future for us and our children. Every nation on earth has people that shouldn’t be in power taking advantage of us all.

I realize as a citizen of America that I’m really a human here on earth.

People all over the world want pretty much the same things. Peace, food, a fullfilling life, meaningful work, a higher purpose, good education and healthcare for their children, harmony and tolerance in their community.

I realize that America bears more of the burden for the condition of the world but we are not exclusively guilty on this count. The Worlds Rubish Dump (otherwise known as the Pacific ocean) is certainly something contributed to by China, Japan, Canada, United States, Mexico, ... anyone who throws things away in fact contributes to this.

Now of course, America throws more stuff away than any other nation i’m sure. Easily you could say that since America is culpable for 25% of the co2 in the earth’s atmosphere. Probably more since we’ve driven the world to distraction with our belief in capitalism as democracy embodied and so are responsible for our surrogates pollution as well. By that reasoning we are responsible for a huge precentage of the garbage in the Pacific Ocean but certainly not all of it.

Destroying America won’t solve the problem. Empire is viral. Rome caught is and gave it to England. England then gave the disease to America, France, Belgium (this is by no means a complete list) etc. etc.

Who’s next?

We have to get by the blame game and devise real solutions that work. There are many people in the united states actively working to change the face of America. We grew up believing that America was great. Great in that it was diverse and creative and good. We’re a melting pot of cultures as they like to say. I find that to be one of our greatest strenghts. But many years of abuse at the hands of corporations has eroded America’s greatness. We now realize that our "greatness" was dependent upon our being able to be humble as well. I believe Americans are realizing this as we speak. The horrible years under George W. Bush are almost at an end. The world has suffered so much under this boy kings rule. We are hopeful that we will be electing a black man to be president, and the best candidate most of us have ever seen running for president.

There is real change in the air and all eyes are on Barack Obama and his run for the whitehouse