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Watching the Dinosaurs Fall

22 February 2008, 15:26, by Dave

Superbly written! It’s spot on, as the powers that be excel in the use of smoke and mirrors to paint a false picture of prosperity. Just yesterday I was listening to Rush Windbag on the radio - I’m staying at my parents’ house and my dad listens to Windbag. Anyway Windbag was carrying on that the unemployment rate was down to 4.9% or something, as if that was proof of the vitality in our economy. But as I drive around San Diego I see strip mall after strip mall with "For Lease" signs in front. Previously I had seen that in front of every office building, now I see it in front of every mall too. I don’t know, that doesn’t look like a healthy economy to me. But the government’s numbers say unemployment is low, inflation is low, the budget deficit is low (doesn’t include the Iraq war or the emergency economic stimulus, by the way), the trade deficit is improving, the dollar is strong, blah, blah, blah. Thank you for the figures, Mr. Government, I’ll trust my eyes.
