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The Left is Out There

13 March 2008, 23:03

This is a fascinating story and thread. It should be saved for posterity’s sake. Written by an End-Times writer with a tilt to the left, it ’s far more implicit than explicit, which so many left leaning narratives now share. For instance, Where’s the evidence of a fix?

Is mere implication sufficient to "prove" a fix? And in turn does this sheer implication mean every other conspiracy is viable? Is everything everywhere fixed? If so, Why write about it? Because the lord’s coming back? What a joke.

The evangelicals are everywhere picking on the dying bones of a empire in crisis, only to push another kind of spiritual empire. They’re on the right. They’re on the left. It’s pathetic how superstitious people have become.

At the rate of the deterioration of critical thinking now being exhibited throughout the West, but particularly in America, we might as well hand over the fate of the planet to cockroaches, which will, no doubt, assume control once we destroy ourselves, right now.