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Bilderberg Seeks Bank Centralization Agenda

17 September 2008, 06:39

"" To complement this, we need to put in place a stronger framework of oversight authority over the critical parts of the payments system – not just the established payments, clearing and settlements systems, but the infrastructure that underpins the decentralised over-the-counter markets.

Because of its primary responsibility for the stability of the overall financial system, the Federal Reserve should play a central role in such a framework, working closely with supervisors in the US and in other countries. At present the Fed has broad responsibility for financial stability not matched by direct authority and the consequences of the actions we have taken in this crisis make it more important that we close that gap. ""

There aren’t any possible mistakes. This is dictatorship of the worst and bizarre kind with the FED actually being *The Government*... in private hands, because its not federal and has no reserves what so ever, but more fantasy paper.. the FED is a private institution.

Abolishing the FED and criminalizing *Speculative* activity never crossed the mind of those psychopaths, because they will never let go of their instruments for robbery.