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A Single Lifetime

2 November 2008, 01:04, by Kewe

I too have lived a single lifetime and now in my mid sixties.

Your words are very sad to me, I would have hoped that 50 years would have given you more than one issue in your life.

The truth is that Obama has voted in every issue against his people.

He has not supported any progressive issue rather the reverse.

40 years ago knowing the state America and the world would be in 40 years on, thankfully I did not have that knowledge.

It is good for the young to have hope.

It is good for the old to write comprehensively.

Voting for Obama should never be done because he is black.

The US Supreme Court should give a clear example of that.

There is a person who is black that I would recommend voting for who is running as a Presidential Candidate

Her name is Cynthia.

She truly is worth voting for.