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> An account of mistreatment of girls and boys in Iraqi prisons: “Undressing, blows and cold water”

9 July 2004, 00:12

And then there was a time, during WWII, when American-born children of German ancestry were held in captivity in the United States by the Department of Justice and in Germany shortly after the war by the United States Army... the following is a brief description of one such case that has not been addressed by the US Congress, the US Supreme Court, nor the United Nations:

You may read the entire story in the book, The Prison Called Hohenasperg: An American boy betrayed by his Government during World War II, uPublish, Parkland FL, May 1999

Unknown to most Americans, more than 10,000 Germans and German Americans were interned in the United States during WWII. This story is about the internment of a young American and his family. He was born in the U.S.A. and the story tells of his perilous path from his home in Brooklyn to internment at Ellis Island, N.Y. and Crystal City, Texas, and imprisonment, after the war, at a place in Germany called Hohenasperg.

When he arrived in Germany in the dead of winter, he was transported to Hohenasperg in a frigid, stench-filled, locked, and heavily guarded, boxcar. Once in Hohenasperg, he was separated from his family and put in a prison cell. He was only twelve years old! He was treated like a Nazi by the U.S. Army guards and was told that if he didn’t behave he would be killed. He tried to tell them he was an American, but they just told him to shut up. His fellow inmates included high-ranking officers of the Third Reich who were being held for interrogation and denazification.

The book tells how the author survived this ordeal and many others, and how he fought his way back to his beloved America.