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Mystery surrounding 134.5 “fake” billion US dollars seized in Ponte Chiasso remains

26 June 2009, 10:25, by Grav Moran

Whether bonds fake or real the Italian police have still not officialy said. Still Too many conflicting reports in media about the identity of smugglers, when detained, how long, when released, did detainees request attorney and does attorney have a name??? This site http://slyryder.com/bondgate.html seems to be focusing on the timeline surrounding the detainees and what the Italian police knew about the passports and when they knew. Good site, good resources with good photo and videos and commentary on the police investigations thus far. Asia News has also been doing great job on this story. The Italian police not very cooperative. Maybe they bungled everything! Really, for all we know, the Italian police might have actually released the detainees to someone pretending to be an attorney.