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letter of january to Obama

3 January 2010, 14:35, by Matt Lawrence

Gerardo was the ring leader of the Cuban Five. He infiltrated the Brothers organization with 2 other spies...Juan Pablo Roque and Fernando Gonzalez.

The day before the Brothers to the Rescue shoot down, Gerardo assisted Juan Pablo Roque in escaping from the U.S. back to Cuba, where Roque was originally shown as a "survivior" of the murders.

Gerardo as well as the others, created false identities and identification including passports while in Miami and untilized shortwave radios to receive and digital pagers/pay phones to communicate messages with their Cuban DGI handlers.

These same tools have been utilized by othe other Cuban spies captured in the U.S. They include:

Former U.S. State Department analyst Walter Kendall Myers & his wife Gwendolyn.

Ana Belen Montes 16 year Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst in charge of the "Cuba desk". She was Cuba’s "Queen of Spies".

Carlos & Elsa Alvarez, two Florida International University academics.

These spies are all in prison, as are Gerardo and his crew. Which is right wehre they belong. Perhaps if Cuba and the familes would like to open a dialogue, Cuba would consider extradition of the Perez-Perez brothers, the pilots of the MiG29 that shot down the two civilian aircraft over international waters...which is a blatant act of murder and violation of international law.

Matt Lawrence, Author
BETRAYAL: Clinton, Castro & The Cuban Five