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letter of january to Obama

3 January 2010, 21:51, by Matt Lawrence

You quote Montes? …Your honor, I engaged in the activity that brought me before you because I obeyed my conscience rather than the law."

Montes obeyed her "conscience" while she worked at the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington, D.C.. Her JOB required her to follow the law and if she preferred to be a Cuban activist, she should have resigned her post...instead she chose the life of a Cuban mole (a spy).

She memorized sensitive information, which she transmitted to her Cuban handlers. She interpreted information to her bosses in the U.S. government so that it skewed the TRUTH.

Montes also lied to members of U.S. Congress in the aftermath of the Brothers to the Rescue shoot-down and outted U.S. military instructors in Latin America and allowed them to be killed.

Thankfully, Montes was arrested in the wake of 9-11 before she had an opportunity to divulge any U.S. tactical information to Cuba, which would have surely been sold to those who wish to do the U.S. great harm.

Kakine, won’t you be so kind as to read BETRAYAL: Clinton, Castro & The Cuban Five and educate yourself as to the truth of what really happened. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the read.

Matt Lawrence, Author
BETRAYAL: Clinton, Castro & The Cuban Five