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"The Hurt Locker": A victory for women!? The Oscars Academy grants an apology to the US Army!

16 March 2010, 09:55, by kahoneez

Way way over rated movie and think it’s some what ironic a woman director wins with a WAR movie , that I actually heard was an Anti -War Movie , but I didn’t see ANYTHING anti-war about it .

Iraqis are just back drop or one dimensional , potted plants with the small exception of the common little Indigenous kid , TYPICAL of Hollywood movies , guess its easier to feel for a kid than an Iraqi MAN demanding troops leave his country .

I’m waiting for the movie called " They lied about WMDs and a lot of people were slaughtered " , but that’ll never happen and the ultimate message is ya American troops are a little wacky , little reckless , but hey they love them some little kids and are Heroes there to save them .

Movie was typical Hollywood Propaganda WITH typical formula of U.S. troops just doing their job and being heroes .