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Why anti-racism, pro-Biosphere, pro-Humanity Australians must vote Number 1 Green and Put Labor Last

16 April 2010, 15:02, by Dr Gideon Polya

Having another term by the do-nothing, extreme right wing, neocon, spin-driven, pro-coal, pro-war, pro-racism, pro-Zionist “New” Australian Labor Party - Another Liberal Party, the Apartheid Labor Party – would be worse than having the ideologically very similar Liberals in Government and a chastened Labor Party in opposition with some possible hope of rediscovering 1975 Labor anti-war, ant-racism and pro-environment values.

Further, climate policy is the #1 key issue (10 billion people may die due to unaddressed man-made climate change this century) and in relation to key, expert-advocated climate change policies of (1) No ETS; (2) Direct Action on renewables and like measures ASAP; and (3) Carbon Pollution Pricing (revenue-neutral Carbon Tax, Carbon Cost Recovery), the Australian Greens score 3/3; the Coalition Opposition scores 1.5/3; and the anti-science, pro-coal Australian Labor Government scores 0/3.

For a summary of the comprehensive Apartheid Labor betrayal of Labor values and Labor voters over war, racism and climare change see “Genocide-Complicit Apartheid Australia Jails Refugees Fleeing Afghan Genocide And Tamil Genocide”, Countercurrents: http://www.countercurrents.org/poly... and “Why anti-racism, pro-Biosphere, pro-Humanity Australians must vote Number 1 Green and Put Labor Last”: http://bellaciao.org/en/spip.php?ar... .

Apartheid Labor in Australia instead of the conservative Coalition is rather like Obama replacing Bush – for sure the rhetoric is nicer and there are some improvements (that’s easy considering the awfulness they replaced) but fundamentally, ideologically, they are the same, specifically racist, warmongering, neoconservative, greedily capitalist, Zionist-beholden and profoundly anti-social (US troops are still occupying Iraq, the war has expanded in Afghanistan and has spread to Pakistan, 2.5 million Pashtun refugees have been generated, the Palestinian Genocide continues, Obama has identified Iran as a country on which he would use nuclear weapons, with several gaps the American-Zionist War on Women and Children covers a swthe from Occupied Somalia to the NW Provinces of Pakistan …democratic Nazi is as democratic Nazi does, whether it is a Democrat or Republican).

Anti-racist, socialist humanitarians have always realized that right wing Labor in Australia, right wing Labour in the UK and related right wing social democrat parties elsewhere have always betrayed the values and people they pretended to represent and support.

And finally, it must be realized that Apartheid Labor’s climate policy means that Australia (a world leader in per capita GHG pollution) will INCREASE GHG pollution both short-term and long-term – whereas top climate scientists are saying that that we must DECREASE atmospheric CO2 from the current damaging level of 390 parts per million (ppm) to about 300 ppm (the previous maximum for 800,000 years) in order to have a sustainable existence for all peoples and all species (for top scientific opinions in this regard see “300.org - return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm”: http://sites.google.com/site/300org... ).
Gideon Polya