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Gulf oil & gas disaster, lobbyists, Obama & huge threat of natural gas (methane) to Humanity & Biosphere

8 March 2011, 12:51, by HemiHead66

You don’t have to worry about the effect natural gas has on global warming, we’ll all be poisoned to death before global warming get us. This all comes from their new natural gas drilling technique called, fracturing. To get the natural gas out of the shale rock, they pump a toxic stew of about 500 chemicals and water into the ground under high pressure. This process has already poisoned aquifers and land in several states, sending gas and chemicals right into people’s water. They can actually light their water on fire from the tap. Then after they’re done drilling, they take the chemical waste water that’s also mixed with naturally occurring radioactive elements found in the ground, and dump it into rivers and streams all across the country that supply drinking water to millions of people. This will be the biggest environmental disaster known to man. You can read all about it in this 5 page NY Times report. www.nytimes.com/2011/02/27/us/27gas.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1