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Remember the 1983 film ’wargames’ with Matthew Broderick

24 July 2004, 18:49

Everyone needs to rent this movie, or just remember back...minutes after the threat, EVERYONE was in the NORAD war room, president, VP, sec of defense were on the phone line in a minute....this was based on US military procedure in 1983!!

What happened on 911? flight 11 8:19 was a known hijacking, but nothing was done until the pentagon was hit at 9:37?? With all of the previous threats could these guys have stopped the other flights from taking off, evacuated the towers and other buildings that had been threatened? Why weren’t the fighter jets there to intercept as they had done 60+ times that same year? Why were they able to get to payne stewarts plane in 20 minutes, but not any of the hijacked planes?The whole time Rumsfeld was in his office in a meeting, Bush, Cheney, Condi went about their business. They recieved notes to inform them of events.

Okay, so in 1983 they had their plan down....but after years of technological advances they were now passing notes 2001, and had no inkling they were supposed to DO SOMETHING!!

Maybe someone should show ’wargames’ in the whitehouse so they will know just how silly they look giving us these ridiculous excuses.