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> Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior

2 August 2004, 22:39

I agree, lots of allegations and hearsay, it would not stand up in a court. The people saying things need to come forward and put the facts out, the fact that they have not casts some doubt on their claims. I would also think far more mental health professionals would have made observations on President Bush, the one in the article has a book to promote and money to make, therefore he has an agenda and some interest in having people believe that it is true whether it is or not, getting a book to market and sold is an expensive proposition. And that the White House had no comment and did not call them back, that does not mean much either - John Tesh as been accused of being an extraterrestrial and has made no comment, you have a tendency not to comment on the ridiculous. It is really defamatory to hide your name and face and make allegations about someone, they should come out and prove it, otherwise it is just gossip. Maybe they would get a comment from the White House if their accusers came out and went public.