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Boston Marathon Bombings: ‘False-flag’ Meme Infiltrating MSM Discourse

24 April 2013, 02:51, by Koolz

Let’s assume for a second that you know 9/11 wasn’t a false flag and planes can hit buildings and turn them to dust and let’s asume that the tooth fairy is real and Santa is going to grant your wish and that you guys actually know something about real history and the Gov loves you and wants you to be happy and Babylon has nothing to do with anything for Astology.

just assume for one second....that the Boston bombing had no real actors in it that couple of kids from ChenChen acted on there own with preasure cooker bombs to create chaos for no reason and that they were some how able to get weapons and explosives on there own and...and...and...That the Israel police were there to help because the Boston Law enforcement was to retarded to do anything with out them....and...and...

yea who is stupid?