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> Israeli Sexpionage : The McGreevey, Condit and Clinton Affairs

21 August 2004, 02:29

I am grateful that some one has the integrity, courage, brass balls and honesty to state what has become blantly honest about the Israely government and it’s macinations. There are numerous good and honest jews in this world, unfortunately there are so many dishonest and corrupt zionists ( and neo-christian, bible thumping, TV evangelists, who play right into the zionists hands) passing them selves off as "the real jews", that it is difficult for the majority of the people in this world to distinguish one from the other. I have absolutely no doubt the israely intelligence service has files on each and every politician in washington ( and else where) , and uses them to literally blackmail them to get whatever they want, for israel. How can "senior" US government officails who have dual citizenship, ( usa and israely ) be expected by the masses of sheeples in ameriKa, to be really upholding and full;y supportative of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, when in fact their loyality is to and for Israel, first, formost and ALWAYS. I am a disabled Vietnam Vet and in my humble opinion, this country is being lead to ruin by the neo-con zionists who actually direct this shame of a us government.

The Raven has Spoke.