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> Bank with close ties to Bush administration engulfed in scandal

29 August 2004, 15:35

I think the only way that things can be made "right" in this country is with prayer; I don’t want to make anyone paranoid- but there needs to be a change. I don’t know how many of you are "believers" out there but we all need to start praying. The truth of the matter is that corruption is how many "elite" families in this country have become and remained rich.I don’t know if this will get printed- if it doesn’t- oh well!!! I will still continue to pray. But there has been a bad stench for many, many years before any of us was born (a previous responder wrote about the Bush family’s ties to Nazi Germany). That was before my grandmother was born- that is pretty deep-seeded- wouldn’t you say? But I know someone that is more rich, more powerful, and much much much older. Pray to GOD- He was here before any of this corruption was created and He will makes things right. After all we must all reap what we sow. Another thing is that God didn’t cause 9/11 to happen- no one should believe that bologna!!! Things are just coming to ahead. Take care everyone and don’t stop believing in the power of Love and God, and Goodness