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2 September 2004, 03:21

agreed that our country is involved in a shameless act of aggression. With both candidates insisting we need to be there to root out insurgents and terrorists, why would anyone want to vote for either of them. I have suggested to apparently deaf ears that we need to make a fresh start with non politicians....and I nominate Scott Ritter, himself the victim of slander for speaking out as a WMD inspector against Bush’s day one plan of attack.

The host site (information clearinghouse) today shows endless gut wrenching pictures of some of the innocent victims of this madness...the children, with missing limbs, scalps and life energies. The majority of people in this country are content to tune in to survivor, the bachelor, and other mindless "reality" shows, while being intentionally kept in the dark about the realities of war. These pistures, and the returning flag draped coffins are what people should be seening to wake them up. They should also be hearing about Halliburton and it’s ties to our Vice President (former CEO) and learning why Halliburton was awarded no bid contracts in Iraq. Could it be that war is good busineess for some, while life altering or life taking for others of less priveliged upbringing?

Revenge and retribution for 9/11? Bush and his gang make me ill to think it very possibly could have been prevented, were it not for their greed and distortion of truth for their own financial gain....there are just too many evasions of the truth and blocked inquiries ( for national security reasons of course) Our country has tresspassed imorally and it will take generations before the cycle of revenge will end. to what end people?

Thank you for your truthspeak! I’ll end with a Christmas card message that has stayed with me...
May the child who lives within us, gently teach us how to find, trust and love in one another, lasting hope for all mankind

judy o’connor age 52 with my first grandchild on the way and my daughter wondering why she is bringing another life into this madness, We could ALL be doing so much good for each other and our planet.