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22 September 2004, 18:11

Make no mistake, sir. This is the second American revolution, and the soul of the nation is at stake.

This is not hyberbole, this is the essence of the situation.

The Bush Administration actually believed that they could use the military to their ends; as props, as photo ops, as cannon fodder, as guards to their regime, and, most important to their needs, as unquestioning votes.

Being comprised largely of men who love war from the sidelines, this administration’s view of the military was of an homogenous group amenable to flag-waving jingoism, that would follow orders without question.

What they never considered, never expected, was the thinking warrior.

Now, they are faced with the harsh reality that they cannot count on blind obedience, either from the front lines, from the brass at the top, or career military, like your son.

Men being called up for a return to Iraq are going AWOL in alarming numbers.

That means that their plans for a military coup, where the military would willingly put down actions in the streets here after another fraudulent election, can no longer be counted on.

The brass is not going to stand uniformly with them to keep them in power.

The troops on the ground overseas are no longer going to supply them with absentee ballots all in their favor. Not legitimately, at any rate.

Their immediate response is, of course, to try and bully any who refuse or question. To put down dissent, and convey the image of monolithic support. That is why your son, like others who have dared to speak out, was charged. That is why an entire battery is under house arrest awaiting redeployment to Iraq.

Their other response is to lie and cheat. There will be no honest voting done by our troops this year. Websites designed to allow overseas voter registration have been shut down and will not be reopened. What results do get sent back home will be fraudulent.

This is the war, Iraq is just one of the battles.

I am firmly convinced that a substantial portion of the military brass is going to have to let the Bush Administration know, in no uncertain terms, that they will NOT support any attempts to force a second Bush Administration on the country militarily, or there will be blood shed in the streets of America, and not because of foreign terrorists.

I believe that the Bush Administration has already planned to take to the streets to put down resistance after they take the election. They have worked tirelessly to put forth the notion to their supporters that any who disagree with them are unamerican supporters of terrorism. But they need the military, and the National Guard to do their dirty work, should it come to that. And now, it’s not so certain that they will have blind obedience.

My greatest fear is this: what will they do in desparation? They will never give away their power willingly. And they already have a history of lying and cheating. They already have blood on their hands. All they care about is money and power. What lengths will they go to to keep it?