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> Death and the maiden in Iran

9 September 2004, 01:35

This "person" who claims that war with Iran is imminent is so off base that it’s comical. If the U.S. wanted to destroy Iran it can do it in a moments notice. The military capability at the disposal of the president would wipe out Iran. Turn it in to a glass parking lot. But the U.S. doesn’t operate that way. We are a nation of people who enjoy freedom, not repression. We believe that ALL people of the world should have the chance to enjoy their life and not worry if the government is going to execute you because you worship differently, or choose to wear clothing that others may find offensive. We believe that the majority should decide the laws of the nation, not the opinions of a few power hungry individuals who have a warped sense of morality. Iran will implode one day and the clerics who are in charge now will be replaced with a more democratic form of government. The Iranian people are intelligent and well educated and will not stand for repression of basic freedoms much longer. They are eager for a voice of their own.

In response for this Zionist-West conspiracy of world domination, did you just just fall off the paranoid wagon? Yes, I will admit that the U.S. has invaded other countries in the past but can you name me one that we are still in? We invaded Europe to drive out the Germans. We invaded Panama to depose a despot who was getting rich shipping drugs to America. We invaded Grenada when the government got out of control and our citizens felt threatened.

Not to say we haven’t made our mistakes though. Vietnam was probably our largest followed by Lebanon but are we still in either of those countries? We were only there after being asked by the government in charge at the time.

If there was a Zionist-West conspiracy then there would have been wars a long time ago and the middle east would have been in the West’s hands for a long time now. But the truth is it’s not. We still beg for the crude oil that you rape us for. Israel has not expanded it’s borders since the last time IT was attacked by a consortium of arab nations and you all are still in control of your own countries.

If you look at history and attitudes of the middle east in recent history you will see that YOU are the aggressors. How many wars did Saddam start? After Iran was in a long and very bloody war are you going to sit there and tell me he should have stayed in power? How many of his own people did he have butchered? Why do so many of your countries impose such restrictive laws of basic freedoms (religion, speech, and such). Why is the middle east so afraid of democratic societies? If you look at Turkey it is a muslim nation with a democratic government and it is doing just fine.

You complain of the Zionist Israel and that they should give back the ancient homeland of Palestine. But if you look in history, Israel was there LONG before Palestine so why don’t the Palestinians go to Africa? Israel is willing to live with the Palestinians by dividing the land so each have their own country but Hamas and other groups do not want that. It is written in their edict that they will not stop until Israel is destroyed. If you were a nation wouldn’t you fight back for your survival? In my opinion, you are the one that is brain washed by the radical teachings of extreamist instead of looking at all of the facts from all of the world and forming your own opinion.