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> Ben Barnes to Break Silence on "60 Minutes"

5 September 2004, 03:27

What I see in this article is a lot of accusations and the only thing to back it up is one person’s so called I witness account. Unlike the swiftboat accusations where you have 250 witnesses on one side and 14 on the other. I could care less about what either Kerry or Bush did while serving during the vietnam war, except for what Kerry did when he got back. To accuse all of those names listed on the Vietnam War Memorial as war criminals and confessing to be one himself, to me is unacceptable actions. How can Barnes go to that memorial and see those names and the first thing that comes to mind is he supposedly kept Bush out of the war. The first thing that should have come to his mind was what Kerry did to all those names on the memorial and also all those who served in that war. He should have been remembering Kerry before Congress calling these men war criminals. He should have been concerned that Kerry admitted himslef that he too was a war criminal. Now he says he is a Kerry supporter because he saw the names on that memorial and thought he had done something so terribly wrong that he needed confession and to put his confession out in public and at this time before the election. How could a man look at that memorial and feel deep regret over one man serving in the National Guard and another man condeming all of those names and all of those who served in Vietnam? That is the question I would like to ask Mr. Barnes.