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> Letters from France: Divided by a single language

29 September 2004, 07:14

So far 5000 have been detained and so far zero have been convicted. Some of these people have spent 3 years in detention in the concentration camps our government is maintaining around the world. Most of them have been convicted without ever being able to see a lawyer, contact their families, or have a trial. Most have no idea how long they will be kept there or if they will come out alive.

I would like to hear from just one American who would agree to have this happen to himself or a member of his family. The camp at Gitmo where many of these people are being kept is worse than the concentration camps in Germany and Poland during the 2nd world war. The ones at Gitmo are open air facilities. The prisoners are kept in what look like dog runs with a piece of plywood over the top. At least Hitler spent a few bucks on actual buildings where the prisoners could get out of the weather. They probably feed them dog food as well. Somehow this is not my vision of a Free America.

I would like to hear from Americans that agree that this is what American justice should be, because I was taught something about "with liberty and justice for all", and fair trials, and jury of your peers, etc.