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> Bush Blows Debate: Talks to Rove in Earpiece!

2 October 2004, 20:13

We don’t bash Bush because he "lack charisma". We don’t like his positions.

First, he is NOT fighting the war on terror in Iraq. There were no WMDs, no connections to al Qaeda, no intention of attacking the US and as both Powell and Rice said in prior to 911, "Saddam is well contained." No matter how many times Bush repeats "Saddam was a front on the war on terror," it is still a wrong statement. At the very least, it is 10x more wrong than saying "Pakistan, with their nukes, support for al Qaeda and support for radicals, is a front on the war on terror."

Second, you should be opposed to Bush because of budget deficits. Think of the US as a family that makes $200,000 per year (actually $2 trillion). When he came to office, that ’family’ owed $600,000. He increased that tab by $160,000 in 4 short years and has committed us to increasing that debt by another $300,000 in the next ten years. This is simply irresponsible and is putting us on the brink of bankruptcy ... particularly when you consider that most people believe our ’family’ needs to add $4,000,0000 to be able to honor Social Security and Medicare for more than the next 10 years. Where is all this money going to come from? Bush is setting us up for disaster.