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> Bush Blows Debate: Talks to Rove in Earpiece!

2 October 2004, 21:34

Actually, Bush "blew it" last summer in France on live TV broadcasted on CNN. His buddy, Chirac somehow had a mic on Bush AND whoever it is that speaks to him. You could hear "rove"? say a sentence then Bush repeat it exactly the same way...word for word. He just continued on thru it, but when it was over, he acted very paranoid looking all around. Like he was wondering what was to come next. Cherac had a VERY HUGE smile, winked and nodded as they left. It was a beautiful sight! Later that week at the G8 summit...it was said they agreed to keep their differences private. Sorry you all missed it. I live for moments like that! Remember the Dem’s National convention and the balloons didn’t drop...the guy was going berserk, broadcasting to the whole floor....."where’s my balloon’s, I need balloons, Now! get me F!@#$%^ N balloons! he later said a switch that was suppose to be in off position got turned on somehow....a little trick the Republican’s learned in France!