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> Bush Blows Debate: Talks to Rove in Earpiece!

2 October 2004, 22:14

Let me try to help you. I am a Republican who will be voting for Kerry this November. I am sick of watching Bush roll his eyes whenever the press poses a question. The press represents ME and I voted Bush INTO that oval office. He thinks I’m going to vote for him, Christian that I am, because he is pro-life? Some pro-life stance. He wants me to fight for fetuses and forget that our grown children are begin deployed into a war based upon deceit? When I think about what Jesus would do, I have to answer "vote for Kerry." I also think about how Bush has gotten along with the global community. Do you teach your children to go out into the neighborhood and issue ultimatums to others like, "you’re either with me or you’re against me?" Of course, not, because you aren’t trying to raise an arrogant little bully. Then, why would you vote for Bush? There is absolutely no reason to be ashamed of working within your community for the good of the world. Even if the intelligence would have been ACCURATE, President Bush was not diligent in winning other countries over. I beg you to think very carefully about who you will vote for this year. Bush thinks we need no one but ourselves. Kerry believes we must join with others to achieve a stronger stance against terrorism. The ball is in your court.
