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> Bush Blows Debate: Talks to Rove in Earpiece!

4 October 2004, 04:06

Could it be a battery pack for his microphone? I was told too much television is bad for you. So many people seem to be making election choices based on media reports, polls and commercials that it is getting ridiculous how much power given the media. American politics and politicians are in the position their in because of the indifference of the people (barely 55% turnout). When votes are selected by, who looks better, or talks better you allow them to tiviialize the substanence of their political objectives. Many dictatorships are formed thiis way. My opinion two months ago and today is Bush should lose this election big time, But it is in all media interests to make it look close so you’ll stay tuned. The election and war are the only stories. The public interest is being narrowed in the interest of ratings. While I agree this election might get an idiot out of office, I’d be much more concerned about how he got in in the first place (did Gore sigh too much) and where the US is going with either leader in the future. American media has kept much of its citizenry in a bubble and most, like Bush,haven.t got a clue what is going on outside its borders. This is a scary place for the most heavily armed place on Earth to keep its head. I’m sure we’ll be hearing about al-qaeda in space as justification for the billions needed for missile defence and am sure Kerry won’t fight the establishment on that either. There seems to be one problem with our high tech military. We still kill tons of women and children despite our smart weapons and are having a hell of a time beating " a handful of insurgents?". Americas image in the world is quickly becoming that of the class clown in the back of the room and if its president really used an earpiece I’d say its achieved that appearance.