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PROVE THE NEGATIVE?> Bush Blows Debate: Talks to Rove in Earpiece!

4 October 2004, 17:25

Well in basic freshman logic you learn that you cannot prove a negitive (in genneral it is impractical), you cannot prove there was NOT an earpiece, anymore than Sadaam prove to the inspectors there were NOT any WMD’s in IRAQ (whairs all the reciepts from the NATO countries that sold the stuff blown up at Camaseia)

Sadaam WAS reportedly giving $35,000 U.S.(in denars? or EUROS?) to the families of successful suicide Bohmers from Palistine; Now is that not funding terrorism???

Nobody wants to talk about this cause it makes the US look like a puppet of the
Israelies (not Israelites) and makes too many start to question all the
policy influence and spying they do.

Just look at how much is donated to bothe sides of the con-gress
they bet on all the ponies (except maybe the likes of Ron Paul)
Whoever get elected Israel gets what it wants
and we’ll continue to get bigger and bigger non-constitutional government

TECHKNOMEN thru tv10morehead@yahoo.com