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> Bush Blows Debate: Talks to Rove in Earpiece!

5 October 2004, 01:27

"I choose not to vote for the lesser of two evils".....Americans need to take back their government, who could disagree???? The only way is to unelect the people who do a bad job such as Bush who is so far our worst president since Warren Harding. If you do not care that your social security money is being squandered on your very own load of bombs to drop on skinny people around the world and always squandering our resources and people for corporations like Chevron and Haliburton, then sit on your hands and watch the immoral warmonger Bush go... You think he has done a terrible job so far, giving him another 4 years could completely wreck this country, he intends to reinstate the draft and march into Iran and Syria next which could lead to nuclear (not nukular) war. But if you don’t care then maybe its good you don’t vote because you are hopeless.