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> The Illuminati-Staged US Presidential Election

14 October 2004, 09:07


the message is very spectacular and full of symbolism, but in my view it fails totally caused by the "weak" credibility of some authors. David Icke, for example: he tells interesting things - of course - but he definitely don´t work very serious. But you need to work serious if want know more about conspiracys. Alex Jones is one of the best investigative journalists in the U.S. - why ther is no one source from one of his websites? Or the famous and integer Guerilla News Network? Why we cannot read any source from GNN? And back to basic: In which source is the secret society ILLUMINATI exactly exposed? The Bayrische Illuminatusorden is founded in Ingolstadt in dem Freistaat Bayern (Bavaria) from Adam Weishaupt in 1776. I was born and I am living in Germany. As this belongs to the history of my fatherland I am highly engaged in such things but I would never present such simplistic compilation to the mankind. Adam Weishaupt was professor for canon right and he was a Jesuit. You have to know that some German historians who lived in the 19th century a deeply in the believe, that the illuminatusorden undermined und infiltrated the freemasonry. In my view, the Bayrische Illuminatusorden was estabilished from the Jesuits to infiltrate freemansonry.

Officially the Illuminati do not exist for more then 200 years. In this context I find it very wischi waschi if the author continously reports from the illuminati, because there are a lot other secret societies e.g. SKULL & BONES (members: Kerry and Bush) or the Bilderberg or the Jesuits or Opus Dei or the IOC (International Organized Crime) or the yearly meetings in the Bohemian Grove and so on...

Don´t contercarate high investigative journalism with a normal google research. Of course it is easy to get information threw the internet in a time, where the whole world society transform from a BELIEVE SOCIETY to a SOCIETY OF KNOWLEDGE - but knowledge is no true knowledge, when it do not come from the heart, because there exist only ONE LAW IN THE UNIVERSE and this LAW IS THE LOVE!

So show the people - if you really want - the good alternatives as BASISDEMOKRATIE or show some future szenarious how the world could develop and HOW THE WORLD WILL DEVELOPE, e. g. the social system of PANOKRATIE! As you know Germany/Teutschland has in compared to the history of northern america a much more bloody and cruel history. The people here have learned that the only way to freedom ONLY GOES threw democracy. That is caused by the reason, that internationalism (Marxism, Leninism, Communism and its playstyles) and nationalism (facism, right-wing-ideology) is in a true view THE SAME!

Only Knowledge can help the worldpeople to transform the parlamentarian democracy into a democracy with subsidiar elements AND THEN we can go further to OUR favorite szenario ;o))))!

Lovely Greetings from Germany