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> Maimed in Iraq, then mistreated, neglected, and hidden in America

26 October 2004, 03:29

congratulations on a most remarkable article.. if we dont question all that we hold dear we dont deserve that which is great,to research something of importants must be given a starter an object and this is when curiosity kicks in with this the want to know and understand comes into play and with this must come language and laguage tells us its meaning and function etc....this above is the base of knowledge...we have like it or not be inslaved by those i call the masters and good they are not but evil they most certainly are...and wars they engineer and we are used for either tax wise or physically..... we are pawns on there chess board and our only escape from them is to educate ourselves by starting from the begining with everyting we have learnt to research many subjects like history,language,science,medicine,arts etc..build up a library of books and always take notes and go over them from time to time so you can develope your idears and never say you know when you dont,’ask those who know’ and get a great satisfaction out of discovering something like this artical " worth while "...yours truely open2one.