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> The American Media Has Failed Again

26 October 2004, 04:59

Thanks for providing a lucid moment in the midst of the (mostly media generated) atmosphere of confusion and near-panic as election day approaches. I knew something was up during the first debate by the way Bush appeared to be listening, how he lost his word in the middle of a sentence, and how his annoyance seemed to be with someone offstage whom he sought with his beady eyes darting furtively about. A hidden mike was the only sensible explanation. I didn’t see his back at all.
I agree that this story merits attention, but like so many pertinent items, it’s been deliberately buried by the mainstream news media. I think my greatest shock and disillusionment during this agonizing political mess is the failure of the media to perform its sacred duties, and its seeming compliance with the Republican agenda. We KNOW that is Kerry had a similar bulge, it would be headlines.
I plan to emmigrate if Bush wins. He’s another Hitler.