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> Who benefits from "Anti-semitism" ? (a sad story)

25 October 2004, 08:41

Let’s think of Israel a different way, they are a nation of either Jewish or Jewish descended personages. There is nothing whatsover wrong with this. Surrounding them are many countries of Islamic faith. There is nothing wrong with this.
Their are only three major problems:
 Since the dawn of time Israeli’s and Arabs (I over generalise and sterotype) have hated each other because of cultural, religious and ideological reasons. Therefore attempts at peace or at least a truce are much more difficult than any other situation in the world today.
 The placement of the countries. There wouldn’t be anywhere like the problem there is today if the ’international community’ had not placed opposing nations right next to each other. Israel, because of there overly close relationship, should have moved to Texas. Same climate and environment. Not to mention the Americans and Israelis are good chums.
 For the past sixty years (since the end of WWII), America and occassionally other countries have been providing aid to Israel. It is seen as small oppressed because of its location and surrounding neighbours. No one saw the need, until recently, to provide the Islamic countries with resources. Israel began stockpiling weapons and now has the fifth (i think) biggest military force in the world. They have in place system like compulsary military service in order to ’protect’ themselves. A fatal trap, protection should be attempted with words rather than weapons. Conflict evolved when the close contact between these nations became too much and hasn’t stopped since.

Now, this is very simplified, but why do Jewish and Muslim people hate each other so much? Surely it can’t be huge national pride or jealously at the size of each others territory or military. That would be petty, and if that were the case the whole of Europe would be decimating each other. Maybe there religions are so completely different, but the moral codes of bothe religions are pretty similar, teaching the same messages of love, trust, tolerance and understanding. Maybe this age old hate which nobody can quite put a finger on its cause... Maybe it is that it is a human ’virtue’ that hate and fear what we don’t know. Perhaps we should do the opposite of America and remove all weapons from Israel and all Arab states (pref. the rest of the world for that matter) and sit them down together in a padded room until they began to understand that the other race were not so different?
