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> Of the Evil Empire

25 October 2004, 12:09

To be honest, I think we should drop the evil dinosaur... ;)

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
 Charles Darwin


Once upon a time lived a race of dinosaurs whose violence and appetite alarmed everybody... One day a Little Ant, tired of feeling stepped upon, and worried about her cooperative enterprise, came up to the Americanus Raptor—the biggest dinosaur of them all—and asked: "Why you eat and eat everything in your path? Why don’t you slim down? Why can’t we little animals at least have our own way?" Then the dinosaur, blowing the Little Ant away, shouted: "Bigger is better, so get lost!"

The Little Ant, then, gathered the whole cooperative and said: "Comrades, our world is being threatened by the dinosaurs, so..." And at that precise moment the Earth was hit by a big ball of fire, destroying all but the small animals...

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT: Why else could God have hurled the Asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs but displeasure and disgust at their stupid and arrogant behavior?
