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> Of the Evil Empire

26 October 2004, 22:58

blah, blah, blah. just more incoherent drible from a no-doubt republican, god fearin´, armageddon-seekin´, fairy tale believin´, muslim-destroyin´, bubble-livin´, backward-seekin´, medieval-intellect, crusader of death and destruction. keep believing the lies, the deceits, the bull manure your blessed leaders keep mouthing off.

it seems our cousins the chimps have more intelligence than your regress-minded, pea-size void where not a semblance of brain can be found. go read about creationism or something to keep your TV fiction loving, gun-toting and couch-potato existence running strong. creatures of impotence like yourself keep the intellectually sound among us quite entertained with the garbage you believe in and have been ingrained with since birth.

too bad, you never even stood a chance. and by the way, a great majority of the literary greats were socialists, you´ve probably read one or two. and a great many of the best moralists as well. in fact, even good old Jesus (not to mention Gandhi, MLK) could be considered one, espousing equality and fighting for the poor.

go back and read the New Testament, but then again, you are so intertwined in the religion of your youth, so weak-minded, mentally defeated and incapable of escaping the complete brainwash of your being, you will never be able to accept the reality looking at you directly in the face.