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> Of the Evil Empire

22 November 2004, 14:16

"The Constitution puts no limits on the behavior of our government."

Wow... and you have the nerve to call others uneducated. That’s hysterical. Take a look at the rest of the western world — countries you might call "enlightened." Places like France, Russia, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany — and see what kind of powers their governments have. In these places, suspects are systematically rounded up, interrogated, held for long periods without trial. All in the name of domestic security. And then there are issues like wiretapping, no-knock searches, right of privacy... the list goes on and on. In America, we have the 4th, 5th and 6th Amendments. But then, you wouldn’t have a clue what those are, would you?

The next time you want to chime in on something you obviously know nothing about, take a few minutes and read up on it... ok, sport?