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> Election Unresolved As Ohio Residents Fight Disenfranchisement

3 November 2004, 15:43

Kerry, Edwards and the Dems are sore LOSERS! Ohio is not like Florida, Bush received 136,483 more votes than Kerry. Total number of provisional votes are 135,149. Even if ALL of those provisional goods have been found to be legitimate (no spoilage is highly unlikely) and even if ALL those votes are for the loser Kerry (highly unlikely), Bush would still be ahead by 1,334. That’s a higher total of votes that Bush won by than in Florida. All of you losers crying disenfranchisement should be ashamed of themselves. There was no such thing and you who are so interested in winning beyond reason are trying to wreck the democratic process. In addition, Bush picked up Iowa and Nevada and New Mexico by tens of thousands votes which puts him way over the required 270 electoral votes. Bush won the electoral vote and the popular vote by a solid margin. All you dems and Bush haters and europeans, read it and weep. Four more years of Bush and no time for appeasers!