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> Kerry ’concedes defeat’

6 November 2004, 07:34

Bush is just a punk that hides behind children with rifles and talks alot of shit. Look at his record.
Look at his life. He has failed at everything he has ever tried to do except for what can be bought.
He is trashing the constitution. The jobs are moving overseas. The country is nearly bankrupt.
Our children are dying for profits. The environmental policies are crap. The southern border is wide open. He is dividing from our allies. He is creating terrorism. And many more enemies....

If he was a real man and a patriotic man, he would come to grips with his inefficiecies, and step down from the whitehouse. Let someone with some sort of I.Q higher than his 62 fix things before they get too far out of hand.

Bring it on America...... Maybe its time for TEA PARTY II.......