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> Kerry ’concedes defeat’

7 November 2004, 03:54

Great, because we don’t want to work with THANKLESS, Godless, smelly, arrogant, bribe taking, socialist Europeans who take for granted all of the money and blood we have sacrificed over the past 100 years for their safety and freedom. What would European culture be by now under the Nazi’s or the Soviets? You wouldn’t be quite so snooty then, you’d be subjugated slaves.

Our security umbrella isn’t for you anymore. You’ve blown it with your blatant anti-Americanism. Your stagnant economies and shrinking populations have doomed you, along with your "post modern" attitudes that ignore reality. Twenty years from now your muslim immigrants will have taken over your countries and european culture and society will be gone, replaced by the "Arab street."

Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of Assholes!